Thursday 26 May 2011


蔬菜的顏色相應的健康療效.  多吃不一樣顏色的果菜以平自身五行之衡.

Friday 13 May 2011


不管標名是健康食品也好, 養身保健也好.. 都是藥, 中病即止是好.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Cherry Blossom of 2011

The cherry blossoms in Vancouver this year are falling in May.
Normally they are already half gone by mid April.. but this year it's quite late.
Maybe it's because of the usual cold weather. 
Maybe the weather will never be the same again.

Monday 9 May 2011

Testing first entry

Welcome to 天涯海角! 

I will be sharing photos of random happenings in this blog in either English or Mandarin.
It shall be photography work and gears oriented.  If it's also your cup of tea, join me for the ride!